What am I suppose to do before my age of 40?
The tile sounds a bit wired, isn't it? According to the sayings around us, the golden period of a living, emotional man/woman would start from the age of 20 to 40. Have you ever thought about something like this when others ask you "How old are you?" or "In Which year you were given birth?"
I had had it since my 21. Though the weak ability of remembering things that happened in my life that I have, I'm still trying hard to remember. "The first day you couples met each other", "the feeling of your first day of work", "the desk-mate(s) you had in your middle school", "the embarrasing moments you had" etc. These are the clips and fragments from which your life is built on. Some say, don't get trapped by the things in your past and in the future, in my view, that's awsome terribly correct. So, my friends, why don't we get started since the very minute when you wake up and realize there's no much time for you to be nostalgic, say sorry for and expect, but there's a lot of, a planty of time and choises you can make in TODAY.
Now you have your answers?