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Researchers Say Vitamin D Might Protect Against Multiple Sclerosis


Researchers Say Vitamin D Might Protect Against Multiple Sclerosis


02 January 2007
Translated by 冰冷的岩浆



A study by the Harvard School of Public Health links high levels of vitamin D with lowered risk of MS.


This is the VOA Special English Health Report.


In recent years, research has suggested more health value from vitamin D than had once been thought.


Vitamin D is produced naturally in the blood. Sunlight is a major source. It is also found in some foods. These include eggs, liver and some fish. Vitamin D is also found in pills. Vitamin D helps to increase levels of calcium in the blood. It helps build strong bones and teeth. It also helps in muscle development.


It also appears to do more than just protect against rickets. That serious bone disease was the reason vitamin D was added to milk. Rickets is now rare in the western world. But it is still a common childhood disease in developing countries. Rickets can cause bone pain and weakness, teeth problems and muscle loss.


Now researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston say vitamin D might protect against multiple sclerosis, also called MS.


MS is a progressive disease of the central nervous system that affects about two million people around the world. There is no cure. MS causes problems with speech and movement. The level of severity can differ from person to person. But is usually seriously disabling.

MS是一种中枢神经渐进性疾病 (即在一段时间内症状会愈加严重的疾病),全世界有近两百万人深受其苦,而且还没有根治的方法。患有MS会导致语言与行动方面的障碍,其严重程度因人而异,通常会给患者带来严重的身体机能缺损。

The study in Boston involved blood samples from more than seven million members of the American military. It found that people with higher levels of vitamin D had lower rates of MS. It found that the chance of developing MS was sixty-two percent lower among those with the highest level of vitamin D than those with the lowest level.


Alberto Ascherio led the study. He says vitamin D may become a future treatment for MS. But, he says first scientists must carry out a large, controlled study in which some people get vitamin D and others do not.

阿尔伯特 阿斯盖瑞欧是该研究项目的负责人。他表示,维他命D可能会在今后治疗多发性硬化症中起到关键作用。但首先,科学家们必须对摄入和不摄入维生素D的人群进行大量、可靠的研究。

This is not the first study to show a possible relationship between vitamin D and multiple sclerosis. But it has provided the clearest evidence of a direct link.


The National Institutes of Health says some studies also suggest vitamin D may protect against some kinds of cancer, especially colon cancer. But it says more human studies are needed to learn if a lack of vitamin D increases the risk of cancer… or if treatment with large amounts of vitamin D could protect against the disease.


And that's the Special English Health Report, written by Caty Weaver. You can get transcripts of our health reports, and download audio, at I'm Steve Ember.

这里是特别英语之健康报道。凯蒂 维福尔撰文。您可以登录 下载健康报道的文本和音频。史蒂夫 安伯尔为您播送。


Word Bank--关键词:

1. multiple sclerosis--多发性硬化症。中枢神经系统一种慢性退化性疾病,发病时髓脂质慢性形成斑状损坏,遍及大脑和脊髓或两处同时出现,干扰神经通路并导致肌肉无力、协调性丧失以及语言和视力障碍。这种疾病主要出现在年轻的成年人中,并被认为是源于遗传或病毒所引起的免疫系统缺陷所导致的;

2. muscle development--肌肉生长、肌肉组织发展;

3. rickets--佝偻病、软骨病、 驼背。:由缺乏维生素D或钙及日晒不足导致的缺陷疾病,症状为有缺陷的骨质发育,主要发生于儿童中也作 rachitis;

4. bone pain--骨骼疼痛;

5. bone weakness--骨质疏松。一种疾病,症状为骨头充满孔隙、易骨折且愈合慢,多发作于绝经后的妇女且常导致椎骨萎陷直至脊椎弯曲,学名osteoporosis;

6. muscle loss--肌肉萎缩或肌肉缺失;

7. Harvard School of Public Health--哈佛大学公共卫生学院;

8. progressive disease--渐进性疾病,即在一段时间内症状会愈加严重的疾病。例如 Parkinson disease 帕金森氏综合症;

9. colon cancer-- 结肠癌,是常见的恶性肿瘤之一,以40岁~50岁年龄组发病率最高;


Knowledge Base--知识点:

结肠癌是常见的恶性肿瘤之一,以40岁~50岁年龄组发病率最高。 我国的发病率与死亡率低于胃癌,食管癌、肺癌等常见恶性肿瘤。近年各地资料显示随着人 民生活水平的提高,饮食结构的改变,其发病率呈逐年上各趋势。从流行病学的观点看,结肠癌的发病和 环境、生活习惯、尤其是饮食方式有关。

一般认为高脂肪食谱和纤维素不足是主要发病原因。研究显示,饱和脂肪酸的饮食可增加结 肠中胆汁酸与中性固醇的浓度,并改变大肠菌群的组成。胆汁酸经细菌作用可生成3-甲基胆蒽等致癌物质,固醇环 也可经细菌作用被芳香化而形成致癌物质。食物纤维包括纤维素、果胶、半纤维素、木质素等,吸收水分,增加粪便量,稀 释肠内残留物浓度,能够缩短粪便通过大肠的时间而减少致癌物质与肠粘膜接触的时间,若膳食纤维不足时,已是结肠癌 的发病因素之一。

慢性大肠炎症,如溃疡性结肠炎的肠癌发生率高于一般人群,炎症的增生性病变的发展过程 中,常可形成息肉,进一步发展为肠癌;克隆氏(Crohn)病时,有结肠、直肠受累者可引起癌变。血吸虫流行区和非流行区的结肠癌发病率与死亡率有明显区别,过去认为慢性血吸虫病患者 ,因肠壁血吸虫卵沉积与毒素刺激,导致大肠粘膜慢性溃疡,炎性息肉等,进而引起癌变。 这个观点一直在争论, 据浙江省嘉善县血吸虫病日渐控制,新发病例明显减少,晚期病人趋于消失,而结肠癌的发病率仍很高。据一般资料统计,有结肠息肉的患者,结肠癌发病率是无结肠息肉患者的5倍。家族性多发 性肠息肉瘤,癌变的发生率更高。

近几年来,有报告结肠癌阳性家族者,其发病率是一般人群的四倍,说明遗传因素可能参与 结肠癌的发病。




Jewelry Making Through the Ages: Ancient Artistry Meets a Modern Eye


Jewelry Making Through the Ages : Ancient Artistry Meets a Modern Eye

02 January 2007
Translated by 冰冷的岩浆

''My original plan was to be a furniture designer, but I like things I can hold in my hand,'' says Susan Sanders, a Virginia jewelry designer who has shown her work in several countries. "

“成为一名家具设计师是我的初衷,但我更喜欢能够握于掌心的东西”。苏珊 桑德斯---弗吉尼亚州珠宝饰品设计师,在世界许多国家展出其作品。”

I’m Barbara Klein.
我是芭芭拉 克莱恩

And I’m Steve Ember with EXPLORATIONS in VOA Special English.

我是史蒂夫 安伯尔为您播送美国之音特别英语之“探索发现”节目。

At the Torpedo Factory Art Center in Alexandria, Virginia, you can see the work of jewelry designer Susan Sanders. Her many gold and silver designs have a clean and modern look. One of her silver rings has a bold geometric design with small smooth stones inlayed into the metal.

在弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市的“震旦艺术工作中心”(Torpedo Factory Art Center),您可以观赏到苏珊 桑德斯制作的珠宝饰品。她的许多金银饰品的设计都具有一种简洁而现代的气息。她所设计的饰品中,有一枚戒指就运用了大胆的几何设计风格,此外她还把一些细小光滑的石子镶嵌其上。

How did she make this ring? Today we answer this question as we explore the history and methods of jewelry design.


People from almost all cultures throughout history have been making and wearing jewelry. Jewelry is valued for its visual quality, the richness of its materials and the expert way it is made. Since ancient times people have worn jewelry like rings, bracelets and necklaces to decorate their fingers, wrists and necks.


Ancient peoples who lived near the ocean used the shells of sea creatures to make jewelry. Other ancient peoples used materials like small colored rocks and animal bones and teeth. Jewelry often was made from whatever material was considered rare and costly. It expressed the wealth and social importance of its wearer.


Later cultures learned how to find and work with gold. One of gold’s important qualities is that it is a very soft metal. It can be easily formed or even flattened into extremely thin sheets of metal.


Some of the oldest and finest known jewelry comes from the burial site of the Sumerian ruler Queen Pu-abi. This Mesopotamian culture existed more than four thousand five hundred years ago. In this area that is now Iraq, archeologists discovered fine examples of gold jewelry. Many of the jewelry designs combined the brightness of gold with the intense blue stone called lapus lazuli. This jewelry shows some of the earliest examples of metalworking methods such as filigree and granulation.

我们已知的一些最古老,也是最精致的珠宝饰品是来自于苏美尔王朝统治者---普 阿比皇后的墓葬遗址。这段美索不达米亚的文明存在于4500多年之前。在这片地区(现今伊拉克),考古学家发掘出了一些金饰品的代表作。它们当中的许多设计都将金的夺目耀眼与有着深邃蓝色的天青石合二为一。这件饰品让我们看到了一些早期金属加工方式的代表工艺,如花丝法和制粒法。

Granulation is a technique in which tiny gold balls are placed in a decorative pattern and joined onto a gold surface. Filigree is made by arranging fine gold or silver wires into patterns or images. Filigree work can either be joined onto a metal surface, or left as openwork. Many cultures have left extraordinary examples of this technique. Examples include the jewelry of ancient Greeks and the eighteenth century Qing period in China.


Several other metal working methods were developed in ancient times and still define jewelry design today. They include cloisonné work and casting. Cloisonné involves forming metal borders to make different contained areas on the surface of the piece of jewelry. These spaces are then filled with different pieces of finely carved precious stones or with small bits of glass that are melted together.


The ancient Egyptians were experts of the cloisonné method. For example, at the Metropolitan Museum in New York City you can see a beautiful cloisonné necklace made more than four thousand years ago. More than three hundred small stones make up a detailed image of Egyptian symbols such as birds and snake creatures. The symbols tell about the sun god giving long life to the Egyptian ruler of that time, King Senwosret the Second.

古埃及人是景泰蓝工艺的个中好手。比如说,在纽约的大都会博物馆,您能看见到一条打造于4000多年前的华美的景泰蓝项链。 300多颗小宝石汇聚成了埃及人的鸟形和蛇形图腾。它讲述了一个关于太阳神把永生赐予当时的埃及法老王森乌塞特二世的故事。

For thousands of years, Egyptian jewelry represented a great tradition of artistic skill. Many of the pieces were not only beautiful, but also believed to be magical. Amulet jewelry was believed to protect people or give them special powers. For example, scarabs in the form of the beetle insect were believed to be the symbol of new life. Jewelers in ancient Egypt made many examples of finely carved scarab rings and necklaces that still exist today.


One very old technique of metal casting is called the lost-wax method. With this method, an artist carves the shape of jewelry he or she wants to make out of wax material. This shape is placed into a piece of clay, which is heated at high temperatures.


The clay takes the form of the ring, but the wax inside melts away because of the heat. This is why the method is called lost-wax. The original carved wax model is lost, but its form remains in the clay. Hot liquid metal such as gold is placed inside this clay form. As the metal cools and hardens, it takes the form left by the wax.


The rulers of Asante in modern day Ghana wore gold jewelry made with the lost-wax method. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Asante jewelers made beautiful, fine, detailed gold objects. The ruling family and other leaders wore objects as symbols of their importance, wealth and power.


Granulation, filigree, cloisonné and casting are only a few of the metalworking methods used by jewelers both in the past and today.


Of course, not all jewelry is made by metalworking. Many cultures throughout history used other valuable materials as well. For example, in China, carved jade stone was part of an ancient jewelry tradition. This green stone was beautiful and also thought to have magical powers. In southern Nigeria during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, only the ruling family of Benin had the right to wear jewelry carved of white ivory material.


These are only a few examples of the creativity humans have demonstrated with the art of making jewelry. What kinds of jewelry traditions exist where you live?


The methods we have described are still being used by artists today. Modern technology and newer methods have only added to the countless ways that stones, metals and other materials can be formed. Today, jewelry designers combine old and new methods with styles from around the world. Many also use unexpected materials, such as plastics, cotton and wood. The creative possibilities of modern jewelry making are limitless.


The Torpedo Factory Art Center is in the old area of Alexandria, Virginia, near Washington, D.C. Here, on the second floor is a workroom and store called Susan Sanders Design. Let us go back to the modern geometric jewelry we told about earlier.

“震旦艺术中心”位于弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市的老城区,毗邻首都华盛顿。在该中心的二楼,有着一处集工作和商铺功能于一体的地方,那就是‘苏珊 桑德斯创作工作室’。现在就让我们回到刚才提到的现代几何首饰加工的话题当中吧。

“I'm Susan Sanders. I'm a jewelry designer at the Torpedo Factory Art Center in Alexandria, Virginia. I started making jewelry when I was in college but my desire to make things started much earlier than that. My father was a graphics designer and brought me home professional supplies. My original plan was to be a furniture designer, but I like things I can hold in my hand.”

“我叫苏珊 桑德斯。是弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市的‘震旦艺术中心’饰品设计师。我在大学里就开始从事首饰创作,但我有加工制作物品的想法还要相对更早一些。我的父亲是一位平面设计师,是他给我找来了很多专业工具。起初,我想成为一名家具设计师,但我更喜欢能够握于掌心的东西。”

Susan Sanders says this ring is not the easiest of her rings to wear. It is more like a finger sculpture. She carved the main sterling silver form of the ring from a piece of hard wax material. With the lost-wax method we told about earlier, she carved the wax model to make the silver form.


Then, she used a milling machine to create a perfect circle opening for a finger. She also used this milling tool to carve out the areas where she placed small pieces of onyx and jasper stone. Once the stones were in place, she ground the surface to a smooth finish.


Like most of her work, this ring is very modern and geometric. Susan Sanders says she is not exactly sure where her ideas come from. Some ideas come from subjects she loves such as modern architecture. But the hardest part is choosing an idea for a piece of jewelry since she does not have the time or resources to make every design she imagines.

就像她其他的作品一样,这枚指环具有非常现代的几何艺术气息。苏珊 桑德斯说,她自己都说不清这些灵感从何而来。其中的一部分灵感来源于她的爱好,如现代建筑。但最困难的部分在于:如何为一件饰物选择对应的设计思路。因为她没有那么多时间和材料来创作她脑海中的饰品。

Susan Sanders sells most of her work in her store in Alexandria. If you visit the store, you can see her hard at work on new jewelry. Galleries in California also carry her designs. She has even shown her work in countries such as Italy and South Korea.


Listen as Susan Sanders tells about an exciting show she helped put together in Russia:


“I have had quite a number of shows in different countries. The most exciting of which was a show that we had in Moscow in Russia that was called Two Capitals which was jewelry designers from the Washington, D.C., area and artists also from the Moscow area. We put together a show and went over there with it. We had a fabulous time.


"We were entertained by three of the country's best opera singers and one of their top pianists, which was absolutely incredible. We had an opportunity to meet some of the other Russian jewelers and visit their studios, so we feel like we have friends over there even though we had to speak through an interpreter.”


Susan Sanders says to be a good jewelry maker you have to enjoy working long and hard on very small details. She says it is not work that goes quickly. Sanders feels lucky to have grown up with the choices she had. Because her father was an artist, he supported her creative goals early on. Many women did not have the same choices. Susan Sanders says she is thankful to be an artist doing work that she loves.

苏珊说,“欲速则不达”,要成为一名优秀的饰品设计师,你就必须要长时间地、努力地去研赏艺术作品的细微之处。 她很庆幸能够按照自己的选择一路走来。因为她父亲曾是一位艺术家,他支持着苏珊早期所表现出来的那种创作天赋。

This program was written and produced by Dana Demange. I’m Barbara Klein.
戴安娜 蒂萌志制作并为本次节目撰稿。我是芭芭拉 克莱恩。

And I’m Steve Ember. You can read and listen to this program on our Web site, You can also see pictures of Susan Sanders' jewelry. Join us again next week for Explorations in VOA Special English.

我是史蒂夫 安伯尔。您可以到我们的网站阅读并收听本次节目。网址是 此外,您也可以浏览到苏珊 桑德斯的饰品图片。让我们在下周的美国之音特别英语之探索发现节目中再次相会。


Word Bank--关键词

1. jewelry--珠宝饰品、首饰、珠宝工艺品;

2. Sumerian--苏美尔人、苏美尔人的、闪族、闪族人的;

3. lapus lazuli--又作lapis lazuli,天青石,一般为深蓝色;

4. metalworking method--金属加工方法、金属加工工艺;

5. filigree--花丝法,将金、银细丝编织为艺术图案的方法;

6. granulation--制粒法,是把粉末、块状物、溶液、熔融液等状态的物料进行处理、制成具有一定形态和大小的颗粒( 粒子) 的操作。另外亦是金属加工工艺之一;

7. cloisonné--景泰蓝工艺,自古以来首饰加工中的重要工艺;

8. casting--金属铸造工艺;

9. scarab--圣甲虫,古埃及人对其十分着迷,认为其代表了新生。因此在有阴间摆渡者阿努比斯的壁画中一般都有圣甲虫的身影;

10. Amulet jewelry--护身符类的首饰,喜欢玩游戏的同学都一定对护符这个单词不陌生吧;

11. lost-wax method--熔蜡模铸法,还有的人将其叫做脱蜡铸造或失蜡铸造,个人认为这两种翻译方式有欠佳的地方。如果是约定俗成的方式,那我就没有话说了;

12. Asante--阿散蒂族、阿散蒂人、阿散蒂语,主要聚居在加纳;阿散蒂(Ashanti 或Asante) 人是加纳最有影响的族群阿肯族(Akan) 的支系,也是阿肯族中最为知名和突出的共同体。17 世纪中叶,生活在西非热带雨林地区的阿散蒂各部落建立了阿散蒂王国。到18 世纪末,阿散蒂国已统一了周围许多部落,成为占有今加纳中部和南部地区的强大国家,其疆域西起科莫埃河,东达多哥山脉,大体相当于现在的阿散蒂地区。 阿散蒂的传统社会结构是母系社会。阿散蒂人认为,两代人之间是由母亲的血液连在一起的,因此,每一个阿散蒂人都可以通过母亲来追溯自己的血统世系;

13. onyx--缟玛瑙,矿产词;一种带有条纹和多种颜色的玉髓,它被用来作饰物的宝石,常用于浮雕和凹雕;

14. jasper--碧玉、水苍玉、玉髓碧玉:一种颜色可为红色、黄色或褐色的不透明的隐晶体石英;








在美国的樱桃区分为两种,甜樱桃(Sweet Cherries)和酸樱桃(Tart Cherries or Sour Cherries or Pie Cherries),顾名思义,甜樱桃适合于鲜吃,酸樱桃是用来做烘培的派、罐头食品、果酱、果汁....

酸樱桃的主要产地是在密西根州,总产量占全美国的70 ~ 75%,犹他州占8%,纽约州占5%,威斯康辛州占4%,华盛顿州、奥勒冈州和宾夕法尼亚州也有少量的酸樱桃。全美国的产量大约出产125,000,000 ~ 159,000,000公吨的酸樱桃。

甜樱桃的主要产地是在太平洋沿岸的州,如加州和华盛顿州,全美国的甜樱桃总产量大约185,000,000公吨/年,大部份都集中在该两州,密西根州也出产大约22,700,000公吨/年的甜樱桃。通常进口到台湾的美国樱桃都是从加州和华盛顿州进口,因地理位置较接近台湾在空运成本和保鲜的考量。甜樱桃的品种总共有超过1,000种以上,最有名的甜樱桃品种为Brooks, Bing Cherry,其次为Rainier、 Lambert 和 Queen Anne.


人们爱好樱桃已经有数世纪了,她的宝石红颜色和香气扑鼻的味道赢得罗马征服者,希腊人和中国贵族的桌上一角。樱桃被早期的开拓者座船带进美国是在西元1600年。稍晚,法国移民者从诺曼第带果核并沿著Saint Lawrence River一直种植到Great Lakes一带。在一些法国移民所建立的城市,如底特律等,樱桃树变成他们的花园的一部份。

在美国的西北部,樱桃果树开始被繁殖是在1847年,亨德森 勒韦尔林先生(Mr. Henderson Lewelling)种植了一棵樱桃果树在西奥勒冈,他是用牛车从爱华达州载到西奥勒冈,一直到1870 - 1880年间,他的甜樱桃和果树才商业化而成为著名的农场。

最有名的甜樱桃品种Bing Cherry是由勒韦尔林先生(Mr. Lewelling)的一个中国工人命名而来的。另一个品种Lambert也是从Mr. Lewelling的农场所培养出来的品种。至于Rainer品种是由哈罗德W. 法郭尔博士(Dr. Harold W. Fogle)在华盛顿州大学研究室用Bing和Van两种品种所杂交出来的品种。在华盛顿州所种植的西北甜樱桃有95%都是Bing Cherry, Rainer 和 Lambert品种。








Ever Wonder Where Seedless Fruits Come From?


Ever Wonder Where Seedless Fruits Come From?


---An explanation of grafting.


02 January 2007




This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.


These days, if we hear about two different plants being combined, the first thing we think of is modern biotechnology. But the low-technology process of grafting remains an extremely important form of genetic engineering in agriculture.


Many kinds of plants are grown not from seeds but from pieces cut from existing plants. Farmers cut branches or buds, young growths, from one plant and place them on a related kind of plant. The branch or bud that is grafted is called a scion [pronounced SYuhn]. The plant that accepts the graft is called the root stock.


Over time, the parts from the two plants grow together. The grafted plant begins to produce the leaves and fruit of the scion, not the root stock.


A graft can be cut in several ways. A cleft graft, for example, requires a scion with several buds on it. The bottom of the scion is cut in the shape of the letter V. A place is cut in the root stock to accept the scion.


The scion is then securely placed into the cut on the root stock. Material called a growth medium is put on the joint to keep it wet and help the growth.


Grafting can join scions with desirable qualities to root stock that is strong and resists disease and insects. Smaller trees can be grafted with older scions.


The United States Environmental Protection Agency says producing stronger plants by grafting can reduce the need to use pesticides.


Agriculture could not exist as we know it without grafting. Many fruits and nuts have been improved through this method. Some common fruit trees such as sweet cherries and McIntosh apples have to be grafted.


Bing cherries, for example, are one of the most popular kinds of cherries. But a Bing cherry tree is not grown from seed. Branches that produce Bing cherries must be grafted onto root stock. All sweet cherries on the market are grown this way.


And then there are seedless fruits like navel oranges and seedless watermelons. Have you ever wondered how farmers grow them? Through grafting.


The grapefruit tree is another plant that depends on grafting to reproduce. Grapes, apples, pears and also flowers can be improved through grafting.


In an age of high-technology agriculture, grafting still holds an important place.



And that's the VOA Special English Agriculture Report, written by Mario Ritter. You can learn more about agriculture, and download MP3 files and transcripts of our reports, at

这就是美国之音特别英语之农业报道,Mario Ritter撰文。您可以在美国之音特别英语网站学习到更多农业知识,并下载本节目的MP3文件及其文本。


Word Bank--关键词:

1. scion--接穗。2. root stock (or rootstock)--砧木。3. cleft graft--劈接法。

4. McIntosh apples--麦金托什苹果。5. growth medium--营养基。6. Bing cherry--平氏樱桃

7. navel oranges--脐橙。8. seedless watermelon--无籽西瓜。9. grapefruit--葡萄柚


Knowledge Base--知识点:

一、什么是嫁接 嫁接是指剪截植物体的一部分枝或叶,嫁接到另外一株植物体上,使二者成为一新的植株。被剪截植物上的枝或芽叫接穗,被嫁接的植物叫砧木。

二、嫁接的优点 嫁接后的植物生长发育和开花结果,能保持原品种性状不变。嫁接苗比扦插苗、实生苗生长发育快。增强适应不良环境的能力强。植株的抗病虫能力强。

三、嫁接成活的难易 从植物分类学上讲,亲缘关系越近的植物嫁接越易成活,这是植物组织结构的不同造成的。嫁接成活与否首先取决于砧木和接穗削面间形成愈伤组织的愈合程度。嫁接后,砧、穗削切面愈伤组织形成的快,而且形成量也多的植物容易成活,反之则成活困难。嫁接成活是指砧木和接穗各自的削切面形成层彼此之间相互密接,从双方削切面分化出愈伤组织,这是植物本身具有的再生能力。发育的愈伤组织结合起来添补空隙,砧木吸收的养分通过愈伤组织向接穗运送。在愈伤组织形成的过程中接穗萌芽,开始生长。当然,嫁接成活的难易也受砧木、接穗当时的形态、外界因素及操作技术的影响。

四、嫁接亲和性 嫁接亲和性指的是嫁接成活后,从一株小苗一直到成年树,长期能正常生长发育。假如嫁接成活后,树势逐渐衰弱而枯死,或嫁接部位发育不良容易被风吹断等,就被认为不亲和。但有些不亲和现象表现为树体矮化、叶片黄化、接口上粗下细或上细下粗等。但从栽培角度上讲,在这些现象之后树体若能发育正常,在庭园栽培或盆栽上就可以利用。


六、 仙人掌类植物一般为仙人掌科植物的通称。此科植物约有2 000多种,如蟹爪兰、昙花、令箭荷花、三棱箭、仙人球、仙人鞭等。仙人掌类植物形态独特、花色繁多,有些品种还可食用,故而受到人们越来越多的偏爱。仙人掌类植物中绝大部分属陆生类型,原产于沙漠或草原地带,耐干旱和强烈光照。少数种类原产于热带雨林,只有200多种。如昙花、蟹爪兰等,属于附生类型。仙人掌在我国南方一些地区可陆地栽培,是很好的园林绿化植物。而在北方地区,则不能在室外越冬,故多盆栽。仙人掌要长到一定大小才能开花,花期又短,人们就把花期较长的蟹爪兰嫁接到仙人掌上。元旦春节期间,蟹爪兰绚烂的花朵不但装点了环境,又烘托了节日气氛。

七、 仙人掌嫁接蟹爪兰需要的材料用具有:蟹爪兰幼茎、仙人掌,芽接刀。废纸、尺子、医用橡皮膏等。嫁接的方法如下:先用尺子测量蟹爪兰扁平的变态茎的宽度,再将仙人掌的球茎顶端平着切掉一部分;要使切口略宽于蟹爪兰茎的宽度。使用芽接刀小心地在切口中央下切1.5~2 cm深;再把蟹爪兰茎的背腹两侧1~1.5 cm处各斜削一刀,削成楔形。立即将削好的蟹爪兰插入仙人掌的切口中(注意尽量避免对伤口的污染),插牢后用医用橡皮膏把插接处缠绕一周。操作时可用废纸包住仙人掌,避免小毛刺扎手。教师可事先实践一下,取得经验,再带领学生操作。







这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或"There be…"结构来翻译以外,一般都要根据语境补出主语,使句子完整。英汉两种语言在名词、代词、连词、介词和冠词的使用方法上也存在很大差别。英语中代词使用频率较高,凡说到人的器官和归某人所有的或与某人有关的事物时,必须在前面加上物主代词。因此,在汉译英时需要增补物主代词,而在英译汉时又需要根据情况适当地删减。英语词与词、词组与词组以及句子与句子的逻辑关系一般用连词来表示,而汉语则往往通过上下文和语序来表示这种关系。因此,在汉译英时常常需要增补连词。英语句子离不开介词和冠词。另外,在汉译英时还要注意增补一些原文中暗含而没有明言的词语和一些概括性、注释性的词语,以确保译文意思的完整。



1. What about calling him right away?

2. If only I could see the realization of the four modernizations.

3. Indeed, the reverse is true

4. 就是法西斯国家本国的人民也被剥夺了人权。
Even the people in the fascist countries were stripped of their human rights.

5. 只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯。
While the magistrates were free to burn down house, the common people were forbidden to light lamps.

6. 这是我们两国人民的又一个共同点。
This is yet another common point between the people of our two countries.

7. 在人权领域,中国反对以大欺小、以强凌弱。
In the field of human rights, China opposes the practice of the big oppressing the small and the strong bullying the weak.

Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the mastermind.

Steps to Countdown---倒计时前的准备工作


Many things must be done before a shuttle can launch.


The shuttle has many parts. They are made in different places in the United States. The finished parts are sent to NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The external tank is put together in Louisiana. It rides on a barge to Florida.


The solid rocket boosters come from Utah. They ride on a train to Florida. The orbiter is the part of the shuttle that looks like an airplane. When the orbiter returns from space, it lands at Kennedy Space Center.


Sometimes the orbiter has to land somewhere else due to bad weather in Florida. Then it rides piggyback on an airplane to Florida. Before taking off at Kennedy Space Center, the orbiter gets a checkup. It may need repairs. It may need some new parts.


Then the orbiter moves to the Vehicle Assembly Building. The VAB is one of the largest buildings in the world. The external tank and solid rocket boosters are waiting in the VAB. NASA workers connect the orbiter to these parts. NASA calls it "stacking."


After all of the parts are put together, the whole vehicle is called the Space Transportation System. Now it's time to move to the launch pad. The Space Transportation System rides on a crawler. The top of the crawler is as big as a baseball diamond. The crawler has tracks of wheels like a tank. It is very, very slow. It moves about one mile per hour on a road called the crawlerway.

所有部件组装完毕后,这一整套运输工具就被称作空间运输系统(STS---Space Transportation System,该名称是航天飞机的正式称呼)。现在该是将其运送至发射台的时候了。空间运输系统被放置在一个巨大的履带式平板运输台之上。其顶部的面积有一个棒球场那么大,它也有类似于坦克所用的履带,移动速度非常非常慢。它在运输台行走通道上以每小时1英里的速度前行。

When the shuttle gets to the launch pad, NASA has more work to do before countdown. The shuttle may sit on the launch pad for weeks. This is the countdown clock. It tracks the amount of time until launch.


The astronauts get into the orbiter about 3 hours before launch. Everyone waits for the words, "3… 2… 1… Liftoff!"

宇航员在发射前3小时进入轨道器。之后大家就等待着听到 "3...2...1...发射!"



By 清风无痕

   对于英特尔来说,这可不是一个好消息,在近日AMD进行的一项测试中,AMD K10级Barcelona 处理器加上Agena FX 组建的测试平台击败了由Intel Core 2 Quad ( 超频至3.0 GHz+)处理器组建的平台。AMD在英特尔长时间凭借Core 2 Duo占于优势地位之后终于展开了有力的反击。

  65nm 3.0 GHz 英特尔Intel Core 2 Quad的功耗为 120 W TDP,之前还有消息显示t QX6850 ( FSB 1333,主频 3 GHZ 的功耗甚至将达到 150W+ 。英特尔需要 3.0 GHZ 或3.2GHz以上频率的Core 2 Quad的处理器在测试中才能于2.5GHz的 Barcelona / Agena 平台进行比拼。为了超过Barcelona,英特尔只有将希望寄托在 45 nm Yorkfield处理器上了。


Vista无法对Mac OS X构成威胁

By ugmbbc

Desktop of Mac OS X Leopard

  苹果公司首席财务官周三说,对于该公司即将发布的Mac OS X 10.5来说,微软Windows Vista并不是一个威胁,相反却是这个代号为“Leopard”的操作系统切入并扩大市场的机会,因为Vista对硬件配置的要求太高.

  据Computerworld网站报道,在旧金山摩根斯坦利技术大会上发表演讲时,苹果首席财务官彼得·奥本海默(Peter Oppenheimer)说,苹果将在Leopard发布当季看到收入大幅度增长.不过在被问及Leopard发布的具体日期时,奥本海默只是重复了苹果几个月来的一贯说法:“这个春天.”

Desktop of Microsoft Vista

  至于Leopard将如何与Vista进行竞争,奥本海默回答说:“我们相信今天市场上的操作系统我们的更为优秀,而即将发布的这个版本只会扩大我们的优势.基于Mac OS X的特性、功能、稳定性和安全性,我不认为Vista是个威胁.”